Mental Health Awareness Month

The 10th to the 16th of May is Mental Health Awareness Week!

To support this amazing cause, we are running a month long campaign to turn Sassy purple and raise awareness about mental health issues, including some of our own tips and tricks to look after yourself, and reduce stress and anxiety. 

We have also teamed up with the Mental Health Foundation and created a limited edition Sassy Slumber segment, with £1 from the sale of every one of these segments sold throughout May being donated to this charity who put preventing mental health issues at the heart of everything they do. 


Who are the Mental Health Foundation?

For over 70 years this foundation have been conducting high-quality, transformational research and practise based study, to pioneer change and tackle the challenges associated with our mental health. From influencing government policy, to running community-based projects on a local scale, the Mental Health Foundation put prevention at the heart of everything they do. From promoting good mental health practises for everyone, to supporting those diagnosed with a condition from relapsing. 


Why is Mental Health such an important issue in the UK?

  • 10% of children and young people have a mental health problem
  • 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK. The leading cause of sickness absence.
  • The total cost of dementia to the UK is £26.3 billion.
  • The socioeconomically disadvantaged are 2-3 times more likely to develop mental health problems.


What can we do about it?

Many of us accept deteriorating mental health as we get older, or throughout periods of change in our lives as an inevitable, but through good mental health practises and challenging the status quo and stigma attached to mental health we can make a change.

By learning about the causes and methods of dealing with negative feelings we can take action to improve our own mental health.

Shop our Sassy slumber segment pot HERE or browse our other scents available.