Electric or Tea Light? That is the Question

There are two main types of wax burner, tea light and electric. Our burners come in many different shapes and sizes, our pearl heart tea light burners are lit with a tea light underneath and our electric crystal burners just need to be plugged in to work.

Tea Light Burners

This type of burner has to be lit with a flame and placed under a ceramic or glass dish to then melt your desired wax. If you like your scents strong throughout your home, then this is the one for you as the tea lights produce a strong heat and therefore give a powerful scent throw. Two cubes from our wax melt bars typically give 12 -18 hours of scent using a burner like this.


The great thing about our tea light burners, if you really want to set the mood within your home it will let off a beautiful aroma and set a cosy ambience.

This is a popular way of melting your wax melts but if you have a busy household some would take extra precaution in buying this type of burner because of its naked flame. When using these always remember to never leave them unattended.


Electric Burners

If you want an easier way of melting your wax all you have to do for an electric burner is plug it in and you’re ready. An electric burner heats up the wax by hot bulb, which is screwed in at the bottom. They don’t get as hot as tea light burners so in comparison they don’t give off as strong a scent, but the upside is that the fragrance doesn’t burn off as quickly resulting in each wax melt lasting longer if you want a continued aroma. Many of our customers found they can keep the same two cubes on for 3 days or more, that’s 8 hours a day.

As you guessed, this is a safer option. Electric burners get hot enough to melt the wax and give off a beautiful but not overpowering scent throw.
Electric burners enclose the heat, so they are safer. They are a great way to release our fragrances without the worry of a naked flame, this is something that is very popular with our customers who have children or animals.

At Sassy, we have a range of electric burners which are crystal or mosaic, our burners are also great as a lamp like our crystal design which is a touch light. Easy to switch on and off. Our mosaic range set an atmosphere as all the coloured mosaics light up the room.

Crystal electric burner

Burners We Love at Sassy

Imagine having that freshly washed laundry smell of your favourite fabric conditioner, or your favourite designer perfume scent, all around your home.

At Sassy Shop Wax, we create affordable handmade wax melt dupes of your favourite fragrances to fill your home, as well as many more scents for you to discover. We believe in affordable luxuries, building community, empowering others and beautiful smelling homes for everyone. So, why not add a sense of homeliness with our beautiful wax burners. The perfect way to let your Sassy Wax make your home smell AMAZING!

burners  Burners We Love at Sassy


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Our mission is to connect people and memories through the love of fragrance.